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The Thinking Poet - I Intended To Walk 

I Intended To Walk

I intended to walk this morning
In the clear, blue cold of winter,
To watch birds squabble,
Feel the wind chill my face,
And read from the book of life.
But on my way
I passed through the fair field
Where welcome signs are posted,
Even though ancient invaders
Left exploding mines
For anyone who would pass.
I have no map but experience 
To show where the bombs lie,
And once again I am fooled,
Invited and ambushed
By the owner whose posted signs 
Should warn that trespass here
Will cost a limb.

1.All of us experience mine fields that change our day. What mine field did you stumble into recently?
2.Did the mine field change your outlook, as well as your circumstances? How?
3.Have you recovered a hopeful outlook, or are you still working on that?